Free Baby Pea Pod Crochet Pattern

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Roundup of 6


Peapod Baby Cocoons

Have you ever seen those newborn photo props?  You know the ones I mean.  The ones in which babies look like flowers or footballs or turtles or even ladybugs.  They create absolutely the most adorable photos and your heart simply melts when you see them.

Well, I've never been into them.

Hear me out folks.  I'm not saying the photos don't tug on my heart-strings.  What I mean is that I have never desired to crochet or knit one of the cute little photo prop costumes.

I am not entirely sure why.  Maybe because it seems like so much work for an outfit the child will most likely wear only once.  Or maybe it's just that I've never had a little one to create one of those sweet props for.

Well, those of you who follow me, either on the blog or social media, know that I just had my first baby five months ago.  A perfect, beautiful, precious little boy!  And that folks, changes everything.

Of course I want to dress him up like he's one of the Cabbage Patch kids I had as a girl!  I'm simply dying to crochet him a puppy dog hat and diaper cover with an adorable little tail. ?  Yes folks, I now understand the photo prop allure.

Yet, I didn't feel this way until after he was born.  Thankfully, my grandmother, who is much wiser than I am, anticipated my desire to play "dress up" with my son and knitted him an adorable peapod cocoon.

Looking at the pictures of my precious sweet pea, I was inspired to do a peapod cocoon roundup because  I realized that others would want similar mementos of their darling little ones.

After two months of searching I almost ditched this roundup.  I wanted patterns that knitters and crocheters could make for free, but found it nearly impossible to locate any.  Most peapod patterns come with a price tag or you cannot get a pattern at all.  Instead, you must buy the cocoon on Etsy or in some other shop.

When I finally found a free pattern, I often had trouble contacting the pattern designer or the designer did not respond to my request to share her pattern in this roundup.  In the end I found six wonderfully sweet free peapod cocoon patterns, which the designers were more than happy to share!

  1. Baby cocoon/Peapod set by Kristen Spitzer of McKinley's Closet. This is a fabulous crochet project with three variations available on Ravelry.  It uses bulky yarn and whips up in only a few hours!
  2. Like a pea in a pod by Anna Tecchiati of Sferruzzando qua e là.  A gorgeously sweet knitting pattern suitable for premature babies or kangaroo mothering.  The perfect charity gift!
  3. Nana's Newborn Pea Pod by Catherine Basten.  An adorable knitted pattern for newborns. Simply eliminate the ladybug headband to make the pattern suitable for boys.  This is a great pattern for beginning knitters!
  4. Newborn Peapod Cocoon by Beverly Qualheim of Bev's Country Cottage.  This fantastic cocoon can be knitted or crocheted!  Looking for a quick gift?  This project can be done in one evening.
  5. Knitted Newborn Pea Pod and Hat by Jamie Humphreys of The Creative Imperative.  This darling pattern is eye catching and easy to knit!  Suitable for a three-month old, but can be adjusted to your need.
  6. Peapod Cocoon by Tammy of Posh Patterns.  A beautiful and elegant crochet pattern for newborns.  It makes a unique gift and is perfect for those precious peapod photos!

Didn't I find some absolutely stunning free peapod cocoon patterns?  Of course I did!

Yet, you may be wondering why I didn't add my grandmother's cocoon to this roundup.  The answer is so sad, but oh so true… grandma did not write down her gorgeous pattern!

When I asked her why she failed to write it down, she responded,  "…because it's easy to do.  I've got it in my head if I want to make another one".   Can you imagine my reply?  It was something like, "Yeah, but I can't make it.  It's not in my head!"  Ah well,  I guess some things  are just trade secrets.  Besides, this way my little guy has something wonderful and one of a kind, just like him and his great-grandma! ?

I hope you enjoyed this roundup series.  Have you or will you make any of these precious peapod patterns?  If so, make sure you keep each project organized with this free printable crochet journal!

Until next time… Happy Crocheting & Knitting!

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Free Baby Pea Pod Crochet Pattern


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